Fast Analysis of Large Reflector Antenna Using Array Feed
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Author NameAffiliation
SU Qin1,2,ZHANG Yu1,2,YE Yong3,WANG Wei4 1. The 39th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Xi′an 710065, China
2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Antenna and Control Technology, Xi′an 710065, China
3. Xi′an Satellite Control Center, Xi′an 710043, China
4. Beijing Institute of Tracking and Communication Technology,  Beijing 100094, China 
Abstract:When analyzing a large reflector antenna with antenna array as its feed, it is difficult to realize the overall solution using full-wave algorithm because of its large electrical size. At the same time the antenna unit usually has complex structure, material and feeding mode, and therefore the high-frequency algorithm is unable to ensure sufficient calculation accuracy. To solve this complex electromagnetic problem, first the full wave algorithm is used to extract the subarray equivalent sources, and the radiation characteristics of the antenna array can be fast calculated by translating the equivalent sources. Then the near-field method is used to calculate the coupling effect of the antenna array on the reflector, and fast algorithm is used to calculate the reflector. Both the antenna array and the reflector are calculated using parallel computing technology, which greatly improves the computing efficiency. Numerical result verifies the effectiveness of the method. At the same time, the radiation problem of a large parabolic cylindrical antenna is effectively solved by the method.
keywords:reflector antenna  array antenna  fast algorithm  parallel computing  electrically large
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