Compact Filtering Antenna Array Based on Stacked Dielectric Patches
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WANG Liang1,SHI Jin2,XU Kai2 1. Department of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu Vocational College of Business, Nantong 226011, China
2. Research Center for Intelligent Information Technology, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China 
Abstract:This paper proposes a 1×2 dielectric patch filtering antenna array by utilizing the strip-shaped dielectric patch on the bottom layer to excite the 1×2 strip-shaped dielectric patches on the top layer, combined with the microstrip feedline that end loaded with X-shaped branches. Both the lower and upper strip-shaped dielectric patches operate on TMδ1 mode. The lower stripshaped dielectric patch can reduce the phase requirement of the upper one so that the total thickness can be reduced. The stripshaped resonator can compact the size of the radiator, and the lower strip-shaped dense dielectric patch plays a role of power distribution, which furtherly reduced the antenna array. By loading X-shaped open circuit stubs at the end of the feed line, additional reflection zero point and radiation null at the high-end edge of the operating frequency band can be generated, which can improve the bandwidth and frequency selectivity. The measured results show that the area of the antenna array radiator is only 0. 044λ20, the overall profile is 0. 15λ0, and the relative bandwidth is 24. 6%. It can be seen that the antenna array achieves wide bandwidth while maintaining compact radiator size.
keywords:filtering antenna  dielectric patch  compact
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