Compact Dual-band Bandpass Filter Based on Dual-coaxial Resonators |
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Author Name | Affiliation | LI Huiyang1,HUANG Chanqi1,XU Jinxu1,BU Binlong2,DING Hai2,MENG Bihui2,ZHANG Xiuyin1 | 1. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China 2. Comba Technology (Guangzhou) Ltd. , Guangzhou 510663, China |
Fund Project:国家自然科学基金(62371193、62301223);中国科协第八届青托工程项目(2022QNRC001) |
Abstract:A compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-coaxial resonators is proposed in this paper. The dual-coaxial resonator is constructed by embedding one coaxial resonator into the other one, where the conductive post of one coaxial resonator acts as the metallic shielding of the other resonator. Accordingly, a dual-mode resonator is obtained almost without increasing the size as compared to the conventional single-mode coaxial resonator. By investigating the control of resonant frequencies of the dualcoaxial resonator and the control of coupling coefficient between two resonators, separate control of the excitation of two resonant modes and the coupling coefficient between two resonators are achieved. Then, a dual-band bandpass filter with controllable passband frequencies and bandwidths is realized. The measured center frequencies are 2. 73 GHz and 3. 19 GHz, the insertion losses are 0. 92 dB and 0. 75 dB, and the 3 dB fractional bandwidths are 5. 0% and 3. 4%. A transmission zero is generated at the frequency between the two passbands, achieving a good dual-passband filtering response. |
keywords:dual-band bandpass filter double coaxial resonator compact size controllable frequency controllable bandwidth |
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