Near-field Radiation Analysis and Experimental Verification of Phased Array Radar in Complex Environment
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ZHANG Qiao,MAO Jianjun,YANG Lei,YU Daqun,LI Chenfeng ZHANG Qiao,MAO Jianjun,YANG Lei,YU Daqun,LI Chenfeng 
Abstract:The electromagnetic environment of high-power phased array radar is very complex. Accurate and efficient nearfield radiation analysis method is the premise of personnel and equipment security. By taking phased array radar as an example,this paper presents a method of near-field radiation analysis for phased array radar. The electric field intensity of the demand location is obtained by simulating the simplified modeling of the phased array plane and the surrounding environment. Then, the power is tested in actual position to judge the error between calculation and measurement. The simulation results are in good agreement with the measured ones, which proves the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed near-field radiation analysis method. This provides an efficient analysis method for electromagnetic radiation of phased array radar, which is of great significance.
keywords:phased array  near-field radiation  electric field intensity  power
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