Design of Low Profile Millimeter Wave Monopulse Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide
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HE Tao,JIANG Xing,PENG Lin College of Information and Communication, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 
Fund Project:广西自然科学基金(2021JJA170177);广西研究生教育创新计划项目(YCBZ202022113);电动汽车电机及控制器(MCU) 研发及产业化(桂科 AA19254012)
Abstract:In response to the demand of low profile, wide band, and high efficiency of antennas in monopulse radar systems in recent years, a circular aperture low profile monopulse antenna based on ridge gap waveguide is designed. The bandwidth is expanded by removing the traditional back cavity layer and introducing double ridge shaped radiation slots to replace the traditional rectangular slots. Compared to the traditional four layer or more structure of the traditional wide edge longitudinal slot series feeding and back cavity slot parallel feeding monopulse antenna, the entire antenna has only three layers, making it more compact in structure. At the same time, a broadband unequal power divider is designed to reduce antenna sidelobes. The center frequency of the antenna is 35 GHz, covering a frequency range of 32. 6 GHz~ 37. 4 GHz, approximately 4. 8 GHz. The relative impedance bandwidth reaches 13. 7%, the sidelobe is less than -20 dB, the zero depth is better than -35 dB, and the antenna efficiency is greater than 60%. It meets the requirements of current monopulse radar systems for antennas and has broad application prospects.
keywords:gap waveguide  monopulse antenna  low profile  broadband
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