Design of Ka-band Millimeter-wave Slot Antenna Based on Substrate-integrated Waveguide
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Author NameAffiliation
CUI Lulu1,LI Jing1,WU Handong2,BAI Yanping2,ZHENG Xianggong2 1. School of Armament Science and Technology, Xi′an Technological University, Xi′an 710012, China
2. Xi′an Hengda Microwave Technology Development Co. , Ltd, Xi′an 710100, China 
Fund Project:西安市科技计划项目(2019220514SYS020CG042)
Abstract:The general method of slot antenna designed by substrate integrated waveguide ( SIW) is summarized and an 8×8 SIW slot antenna array is designed in this paper. The antenna is mainly composed of three parts: SIW feed network, slot array an-tenna and microstrip line to SIW converter. The feeding amplitude of the array and the offset distance of the slot are controlled by Taylor distribution function, so that the sidelobe levels of the array in the azimuth and elevation planes are effectively controlled. The experimental results show that the amplitude of S11 of the antenna is less than -10 dB in the frequency range of 33. 30 GHz~36. 54 GHz, and the relative bandwidth is 9. 3%. The maximum gain of the antenna is 18. 56 dB, the sidelobe level of the H plane is less than -20 dB, and the sidelobe level of the E plane is less than -18 dB. The antenna has a low profile and is easy to con-form, so it has a good application prospect in airborne, missile-borne and other scenarios.
keywords:substrate-integrated waveguide  Taylor distribution  slot array antenna
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