Transmitter-Receiver Isolation Calculating Method of Active Phased Array Antennas
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HE Qing-qiang Southwest China Institute of Electronic TechnologyChengdu 610036China 
Abstract:A transmitter- receiver isolation calculating method of full- duplex active phased array RF- link system is proposed.Based on microwave network theory,the coupling transmitting matrix is firstly obtained from transmitting array to receiving array in the transmitting operating frequency,and signal power that is coupled to receiving phased array RF-link system is calculated. The isolation of transmitting restraining filter is determined in view of the calculated signal power value less than the inputting 1dB compressing power value of low noise amplifier. And then the coupling transmitting matrix of receiving array is obtained from transmitting array to receiving array in the receiving operating frequency,the noise power which comes from transmitting phased array RF-link system is computed. The isolation of receiving restraining filter is determined as a result of the calculated noise power value less than the noise floor of receiving phased array. Finally,the prototype is manufactured and measured. Through transmitting- receiving experimentation,it shows that active phased array has no lose lock when it works,and receiving RF-link system works well,and corresponding measured results demonstrate the proposed method’s validity.
keywords:isolation,RF-link,transmitting matrix,full-duplex,active phased array
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