Design of Millimeter Wave Dual-polarized Wideband Wide-angle Scanning Antenna-in-packaged
中文关键词:  毫米波  双极化  宽带宽角扫描  封装天线
英文关键词:millimeter wave  dual-polarization  wideband wide-angle scanning  antenna-in-packaged
刘星辰,胡明春,杨 磊,郭胜杰,王 阳 南京电子技术研究所,南京 210039 
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      由于封装天线(AiP)具有高集成度的特点,在封装集成环境下实现双极化结构设计和宽带宽角性能是一个不小的挑战。于是文中基于低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)工艺,使用正交磁电(ME)偶极子天线,引入桥接方法设计正交臂,提升了天线单元的集成度和偶极子天线的耦合效率,解决了双极化封装天线高集成排布的问题。同时为了进一步提升天线带宽,设计了一种新型类蝶形寄生贴片,最终实现了毫米波Ka 频段宽带宽角双极化封装天线的优化和实物加工。基于所加工的9×9 双极化阵列(36. 50×36. 50×1. 25 mm3),对阵中单元有源驻波及阵列扫描方向图进行了性能测试及评估,阵中单元阻抗带宽高达24. 1%(31. 4 GHz~40. 0 GHz ),中心频点处阵列扫描方向图3 dB 波束宽度大于±70°,实现了集成封装环境下小间距阵列良好的宽带宽角特性,能够很好地满足轻薄化宽带宽角扫描毫米波相控阵系统的应用需求。
      The high integration of the antenna-in-packaged( AiP) poses a significant challenge in achieving dual-polarized structure design and wideband wide-angle performance in the integrated environment. Therefore, this paper utilizes low temperature co-fired ceramic(LTCC) technology to implement an orthogonal magnetoelectric ( ME) dipole antenna and introduces a bridge method for designing orthogonal arms. This approach enhances the integration level of the antenna element, improves coupling efficiency of the dipole antenna, and resolves issues related to high integration arrangement of dual-polarized AiP. Additionally, a new butterfly type parasitic patch is designed to further enhance antenna bandwidth. Ultimately, optimization and processing of the millimeter-wave Ka band wideband wide-angle dual-polarized AiP are achieved. The performance of the machined 9×9 dual-polarized array (36. 50×36. 50×1. 25 mm3) is tested against the scanning pattern of an active stationary array. The impedance bandwidth of the array reaches 24. 1% (31. 4 GHz~40. 0 GHz), while the 3 dB beamwidth exceeds ±70°, demonstrating excellent wideband wide-angle characteristics suitable for thin wideband wide-angle scanning millimeter-wave phased array systems in an integrated package environment.
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