Analysis of Working Mechanism of Energy Selective Surface
中文关键词:  强电磁防护  能量选择表面  阻抗变换  等效媒质模型  传输线模型
英文关键词:strong electromagnetic protection  energy selective surface  impedance transformation  equivalent medium model  transmission line model
虎 宁1,2 徐延林2 刘培国2 1. 信息工程大学,郑州 450001
 2. 国防科技大学 电子科学学院,长沙 410073 
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 21
      近年来,强电磁武器的快速发展对电子设备造成严重威胁。能量选择表面是一种新型自适应强电磁防护技术,较好地解决了电子设备前门防护“能防”与“兼容”的难题,为强电磁防护提供了新的技术思路。为了对能量选择表面的工作原理进行深入分析,文中从场和路两个角度,分别建立了能量选择表面的等效媒质模型与传输线模型。根据电磁理论与传输线理论,系统地推导了能量选择表面的波阻抗变换条件与等效阻抗变换条件。最后,以一款基于开口谐振环的能量选择表面为例,对所建立的模型进行验证,仿真结果与理论分析良好吻合。本研究为能量选择表面设计提供了系统 的理论参考,为其进一步发展做出了有益探索。
      In recent years, the development of strong electromagnetic weapons has posed a serious threat to electronic equipment.Energy selective surface ( ESS) is a new type of adaptive strong electromagnetic protection technology, which solves the problem of protection and compatibility for front door protection, and provides new technical ideas for strong electromagnetic protection.In order to illustrate the working principle of ESS, the equivalent medium model and the transmission line model of ESS are established from the perspective of field and circuits,respectively. Based on electromagnetic theory and transmission line theory, the wave impedance transformation conditions and equivalent impedance transformation conditions of ESS have been systematically derived. Finally, an ESS based on a split-ring resonator is taken as an example to verify the proposed model, and the theoretical analysis and simulation results are in good agreement. This work provides a systematic theoretical guidelines for the design of ESS and makes contributions to the further development of ESS.
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