Calculation of Axial Magnetic Field for Combined-periodic Permanent Magnet Focusing System
中文关键词:  复合周期  周期永磁  磁场分布计算  行波管
英文关键词:combined-periodic  periodic permanent magnet  calculation of the axial magnetic field  traveling wave tube
申仕琦,蔡 军,张小青,杜英华,冯进军 中国电子科技集团公司第十二研究所 微波电真空器件国家级重点实验室,北京 100015 
摘要点击次数: 101
全文下载次数: 30
      针对高功率和高频率真空电子器件对大电流低脉动电子注聚焦的要求,文中基于一种高峰值且高次谐波可调的复合周期永磁聚焦系统,建立了理论计算模型并对其进行了分析和验证。该结构引入新极靴构成复合周期调节磁场高次谐波,以提高大电流电子注的稳定性。为优化磁场高次谐波,进一步拓展磁场参量稳定区,考虑极靴处磁场强度的影响,在理想化模型的基础上建立修正型理论模型,通过分析聚焦结构各参数分别对不同谐波的影响,并与CST 软件计算结果对比,将理论模型磁场峰值处计算误差由8. 08%降低到3. 91%,平均误差由1. 30%降低到1. 04%,为复合周期永磁聚焦系统快速设计提供了一种方法。
      Aiming at the requirements of high beam current density and low-ripple electron beam focusing for high power and high frequency vacuum electronic devices, a high peak-value and high-harmonic adjustable combined-periodic permanent magnet focusing system is designed, theoretically modeled and computed. The structure introduces a new pole piece to form a combined period to adjust the high harmonics of the magnetic field to improve the stability of high current density electron beam. In order to optimize the high harmonics of the magnetic field, in order to optimize the high harmonics of the magnetic field and further expand the stability region of the magnetic field parameter, the influence of the magnetic field strength at the pole is considered, and a theoretical model is established on the basis of the idealized theoretical model. By analyzing the influence of each parameter of the focusing structure on the different harmonics respectively and comparing the results of the calculations with those of the CST software, the calculation error at the peak of the magnetic field of the theoretical model is reduced from 8. 08% to 3. 91%, and the average error is reduced from 1. 30% to 1. 04%, which provides a good basis for the rapid design of the composite-cycle permanent magnet focusing system rapid design provides a method.
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