| 浸渍状态对钪钨混合基阴极性能的影响 | Effect of Impregnation on the Performance of Sc2O3-doped Tungsten Matrix Cathodes | | DOI: | 中文关键词: 钪酸盐阴极 浸渍 钪钨混合基体 寿命可靠性 | 英文关键词:scandate cathodes impregnation Sc2O3-doped tungsten matrix life reliability | 基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 73 | 全文下载次数: 19 | 中文摘要: | 高发射、长寿命钪酸盐阴极是大电流密度阴极的重点研究方向之一。为改善钪酸盐阴极工作的稳定性,提高钪元素在阴极表面的占比,文中将高均匀钪钨混合基体与高发射钪酸盐结合,重点研究了不同浸渍状态对钪钨混合基阴极的发射性能及寿命的影响。结果表明,当浸渍度高于6. 4 wt%时,钪酸盐活性物质在钪钨混合基体中填充状态饱满,该类钪酸盐阴极可以在低真空环境下以20 A/ cm2 大电流密度稳定工作400 h 以上。 | 英文摘要: | High emission and long lifetime scandate cathode is one of the key research directions of high current density cathodes.In order to improve the working stability and increase the proportion of scandium element on the surface of cathodes, a combination of scandate cathodes was obtained based on the high uniform Sc2O3-doped tungsten matrix and high emission scandate. In this paper, the impregnation effect on the emission performance and lifetime of Sc2O3-doped tungsten matrix cathodes are investigated. The results show that the active substance is fully filled in the matrix when the impregnation amount is larger than 6. 4 wt% and the obtained scandate cathode can work stably in the low vacuum environment with high current density of 20 A/ cm2 for more than 400 Hrs. | 查看全文 查看/发表评论 下载PDF阅读器 | 关闭 | | | |