Large Signal 1-D Rapid Beam-wave Interaction Simulation of Sheet Electron Beam Traveling Wave Tubes
中文关键词:  行波管  注波互作用  带状电子注  空间电荷场  快速计算程序
英文关键词:traveling wave tubes  beam-wave interaction  sheet electron beam  space charge field  rapid computation program
刘英洲,张长青,潘 攀,冯进军 中国电子科技集团公司第十二研究所 微波电真空器件国家级重点实验室,北京 100015 
摘要点击次数: 106
全文下载次数: 29
      计算行波管注波互作用特性是工程中设计整管的重要环节。基于精密网格划分求解麦克斯韦方程组的粒子模拟方法消耗计算机内存大,运行时间长,研制行波管的效率低。文中以带状电子注行波管为例,推导了适用于矩形电子盘的空间电荷场理论,结合电子运动方程与激励电场方程,建立了带状注行波管一维注波互作用频域理论。通过开发程序求解注波互作用方程组,能够快速得到运行结果。该理论忽略了电子的横向运动,并且简化近似了注波互作用体系,从而实现准确、快速运算的目的。文中以三维全波电磁仿真软件的运行结果和G 波段行波管实验结果验证了快速计算程序的高效性与可靠性。
      Calculating the electron beam-wave interaction characteristics of traveling wave tubes ( TWTs) is a crucial step in designing process. However, particle in cell (PIC) methods that solve Maxwell′s equations using divided mesh grids are memoryintensive and time-consuming, leading to low efficiency in TWT development. In this paper, taking a sheet electron beam TWT as an example, this paper derive the space charge theory for a rectangular electron disk. By combining this with the electron motion equations and the excitation field equations, this paper establishes a one-dimensional frequency domain theory for the beam-wave interaction in sheet electron beam TWTs. By developing a program to solve the beam-wave interaction equations, this paper can quickly obtain results. This theory simplifies the beam-wave interaction system by neglecting the transverse motion of electrons and making certain approximations, thereby achieving accurate and rapid computation. The efficiency and reliability of the fast computation program are validated by comparing its results with those from 3D full-wave electromagnetic simulation software and experimental data from a G-band TWT.
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