基于0. 7 μm InP HBT 工艺的宽带差分行波放大器
A Broadband Differential Traveling Wave Amplifier Based onthe 0. 7 μm InP HBT
中文关键词:  InP HBT  宽带  行波放大器  差分放大器
英文关键词:InP HBT  broadband  traveling-wave amplifier  differential amplifier
余 芹1 潘晓枫2 于伟华2 潘 碑1 毕 博1 葛振霆1 1. 南京电子器件研究所,南京 210016
 2. 北京理工大学 集成电路与电子学院,北京 100081 
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      文中设计了一款基于0. 7μm InP HBT 的宽带差分行波放大器。该行波放大器拥有三个增益单元,为了得到更高的增益,采用了差分共射共基极放大结构;为了得到更高的带宽,每级都采用了射级退化电阻。集电极偏置低于最大电流增益的值,这使得放大器能拥有频率不变的高输出功率特性与平坦的群延时。此宽带差分行波放大器工作在DC~80. 6 GHz频段,增益为13. 3 dB,输出P-1 为11 dBm,消耗的直流电流为84 mA。此外,放大器群延时在带宽范围内满足12 ps 波动,平坦的群延时使行波放大器在高速光通信系统中具有重要的应用价值,对推动核心器件国产化进程具有参考价值。
      This paper presents a broadband differential traveling-wave amplifier ( TWA) based on 0. 7 μm indium phosphide (InP) double-heterojunction bipolar transistor technology. The TWA integrates three gain cells, each designed with a cascode topology to achieve high gain. An emitter resistive degeneration is incorporated within each gain cell to reach a broad bandwidth. The collector bias is slightly below the value for the maximum current gain, which allows a frequency-invariant high-output power characteristic with a flat group delay. The TWA exhibits a gain of 13. 3 dB ranging from DC to 80. 6 GHz. It consumes 84 mA of DC current and an output power at 1 dB compression point (P1 dB) of 11 dBm. Moreover, the group delay satisfies the 12 ps fluctuation in the bandwidth range, and the flat group delay makes the traveling wave amplifier have important application value in high-speed optical communication systems, and has reference value for promoting the localization process of core devices.
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